The leaves and stems of Sagan Dalya contain tanning substances – flavonoids (quercetin, rutin, dihydroquerticin, myricetin).
Quercetin has a strong anti-inflammatory effect and helps to normalize blood pressure in case of hypertension. Rutin strengthens the walls of the capillaries and prevent thrombosis. Dihydroquerticin is used to treat allergies. Myricetin is strong antioxidant.
Linolenic, oleic, ursolic, oleanolic fatty acids are involved in the metabolic process. In addition, they protect cells from pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
Linolenic (alpha-linolenic) acid is one of the essential fatty acids that take a key part in human metabolism. A deficiency of this acid causes hair loss, deсlining of the skin condition and heart function. This acid is used to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Ursolic acid has anti-inflammatory and myelinating effects increasing the speed of electrical impulses in neurons. Modern studies by Chinese and American scientists, conducted at Jefferson University, have shown that the use of drugs based on ursular acid can stop the disruption of the myelin sheath of neurons in multiple sclerosis. This substance is used for the treatment and prevention of Parkinson's disease and other nervous system diseases.
Oleanolic acid is antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent. It has an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and mouth, which ultimately leads to increased secretion of glands and thinning of phlegm. In medicine, it is used as a component for expectorants, and in cosmetology to create cosmetics that relieve irritation and are used against acne.