Contribute your ETH
Send ETH to the Smart Contract address below.
DO NOT send ETH from an exchanges such as Poloniex,
or Bitfinex. We recommend MyEtherWallet or you
can use other compatible wallets as Mist, Parity, or imToken wallets.
How to create MyEtherWallet read more.
How to send ETH to SNKcoin Token sale Address read more.
How to add your SNKcoin to MyEtherWallet read more.
Dear Donators,
If you are facing some problems with sending cryptocurrency on smart contract, you can send it straight to Sosnovkino e-wallet on
the following address 0x551112DF534e442Cfcf4cDB9d934D548fA00d1aF
You will receive an SNKCoin within one hour
If you have more questions.....: manage@sosnovkino@info
Contract Address
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